The study history of Belarusian Perso-Arabic manuscripts: A.Antonovich's school
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Г. Мишкинене. К истории транслитерации славяноязычных арабографичных рукописей белорусских татар: на примере Вильнюсской школы китабистики, in: ŁAPICZ, C., & KULWICKA-KAMIŃSKA, J. (2015). Tefsir Tatarów Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego. Teoria i praktyka badawcza, grant 12H12004181 Narodowego Programu Rozwoju Humanistyki 2012). Instytut Języka Polskiego Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu. Праект „Tefsir”,1,o-projekcie.html.
Galina Miškinienė, Institute of Lithuanian language, Vilnius
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Materials are presented after:
Г. Мишкинене. К истории транслитерации славяноязычных арабографичных рукописей белорусских татар: на примере Вильнюсской школы китабистики, in: ŁAPICZ, C., & KULWICKA-KAMIŃSKA, J. (2015). Tefsir Tatarów Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego. Teoria i praktyka badawcza, grant 12H12004181 Narodowego Programu Rozwoju Humanistyki 2012). Instytut Języka Polskiego Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu. Праект „Tefsir”,1,o-projekcie.html.
Galina Miškinienė, Institute of Lithuanian language, Vilnius
This article deals with problems of the transliteration and the development of the transliteration system applied to Belarusian manuscripts in Perso-Arabic Script. Scientific mentions of these manuscripts appeared since the 19th century, but it was Anton Antonovich who gave them a detailed description in his monography “Belarusian texts written in Arabic script, and their graphic and orthographic system” (1968). Antanovich the most authoritative transliteration system for text in Belarusian written in Arabic script.
Valery Chekman went on publishing the article “Fortune Telling Book of Chodyny” («Linguistics», XXXVI (2), 1985) thus increasing the body of the Arabic script texts.Those texts are essential for the history of Belarusian language and for understanding the linguistic situation in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.
The duty of studying Belarusian Tatar manuscripts is executed by the academic school of A. Antanovich.